Hans Johnson
Senior Fellow
Expertise: Higher education, California’s population, housing, workforce
Hans Johnson is a senior fellow at the PPIC Higher Education Center. His research focuses on improving college access and completion. He frequently presents his work to policymakers and higher education officials, and he serves as a technical advisor to many organizations seeking to improve college graduation rates, address workforce needs, and engage in long-term capacity planning. His other areas of expertise include international and domestic migration, housing in California, and population projections. Previously, he served as research director at PPIC. Before joining PPIC, he worked as a demographer at the California Research Bureau and at the California Department of Finance. He holds a PhD in demography and a master’s degree in biostatistics from the University of California, Berkeley.

Is College Worth It?

California’s Highly Educated Immigrants

COVID-19’s Sobering Effect on Life Expectancy
Is College Worth It?
California’s Population
Immigrants in California
The Effects of COVID-19 on Transfer-Intending Students in California’s Community Colleges
Policy Brief: The Effects of COVID-19 on Transfer-Intending Students in California’s Community Colleges
Immigrants and Education in California
California’s Future
California’s Future: Education
Higher Education and Economic Opportunity in California
California’s Future: Housing
California’s Future: Population
New Eligibility Rules for the University of California? The Effects of New Science Requirements
What Happens When Colleges Broaden Access to Transfer-Level Courses? Evidence from California’s Community Colleges
Higher Education in California
Higher Education as a Driver of Economic Mobility
Improving College Pathways in California
Determining College Readiness in California’s Community Colleges: A Survey of Assessment and Placement Policies
Will California Run Out of College Graduates?
Higher Education in California: Institutional Costs
Higher Education in California: Performance Budgeting
Making College Possible for Low-Income Students: Grant and Scholarship Aid in California
California’s Housing Market
Illegal Immigration
California’s Future Economy
California’s Future Population
Housing in California
Birth Rates in California
California 2025: Taking on the Future
California’s Multiracial Population
California’s Demographic Future
California’s Newest Neighborhoods
The Demography of California Immigrants
Undocumented Immigration to California: 1980-1993
California’s Highly Educated Immigrants
COVID-19’s Sobering Effect on Life Expectancy
California’s Plunging Birth Rates
Improving Regional Representation among Community College Transfers
Shrinking Household Size Strains California’s Housing Market
The Politics of Leaving California
California’s LGBT Population
Homeownership Trends in California
California’s Housing Divide
Many California Renters Fear Eviction Despite Increased Aid
Who’s Leaving California—and Who’s Moving In?
The Pandemic’s Effects on Higher Education
Ukrainian Immigrants in California
Geography of Community College Transfers in California
A Snapshot of Homeless Californians in Shelters
What’s Next for Higher Education?
College Admissions in an Era of Uncertainty
College and Major Can Matter A Lot for Starting Wages
How Are Renters Faring as California’s Eviction Ban Ends?
Geography of College Enrollment in California
Geography of College Readiness in California
California’s Housing Construction Picks Up Pace
California’s New Baby Bust
California Remains on Track to Close the Degree Gap
California’s Stalled Population Growth
Home Prices Keep Racing up in California
Geography of Educational Attainment in California
Dual Admission Could Help More Students Transfer from Community College to State Universities
Helping Community Colleges Build on Progress during the Pandemic
The Year Ahead in Higher Education
Testimony: Increasing Community College Transfers
College Plans during COVID-19
Who Lives in California’s Nursing Homes?
California’s Most Isolated Seniors
Displaced by COVID-19: Moving Out of College Housing
COVID-19 Shutdown Forces Colleges to Ramp up Online Learning
Communicating to California’s Seniors about Coronavirus
California’s Population Slowdown
Testimony: California Is on Track to Close the Degree Gap
Demand for UC and CSU Enrollment Remains Strong
College Applications Are Up and Admission Rates Are Down
Integrating California’s Education Data
New Federal Data Sheds Light on Student Debt in California
California’s Brain Gain Continues
Reforming California’s Community College System
Expanding Enrollment at UC and CSU
Coping with High Housing Costs in College
Leveling the Playing Field in College Admissions
Helping Community College Students Succeed
Serving California’s Diverse College Students
More Students Than Ever Ready for UC and CSU
Many of California’s Highly Educated Workers Are Retiring
‘Tis the Season for College Applications
Gender Differences in Higher Education Start Early
Is the Decline in the Humanities Overstated?
More Students Are Earning STEM Degrees
Gender Imbalances in STEM Majors
How Changes in Immigration Affect California’s Workforce
Occupational Shifts Favor California’s High-Skill Workers
Testimony: How Can California Produce More College Graduates?
California’s Brain Gain
College Graduates and California’s Future
Housing Costs and Higher Education
Testimony: Cybersecurity Needs and Higher Education
DACA and California’s Future
College Graduates Have Higher Net Worth
California is Still Golden for College Graduates
Educational Progress Stalls in California
Students Choose College with Future Jobs in Mind
Highly Educated Workers See Strong Job Gains
Immigrants Are Key to the State’s High-Skilled Workforce
The News on Student Debt Is Not All Bad
The Growing Gender Divide in Higher Education
A Generational Challenge for Higher Education
The Rise and Fall of Enrollment at For-Profit Colleges
Testimony: Closing California’s Workforce Skills Gap
Commentary: State Universities Are in a Budgetary Bind
Introducing the PPIC Higher Education Center
Testimony: Closing California’s Degree Gap
Interpreting California’s Latest SAT Scores
Online Learning and College Costs
Testimony: Improving the Cal Grant Program
Locking Students Out of Our Colleges a Losing Strategy
Delivering on the Promise of Online Education
Dividing California’s Higher Education Pie
The Decline of the Homeowner
Bay Area Tops in Population Growth Rates
Fulfilling the Promise of Online Education
Online Courses and Achievement Gaps
Is College the Answer to Income Inequality?
Ready for College?
Testimony: Community Colleges’ New Scorecard
The Flip Side of High Housing Prices
Most New Immigrants Are From Asia

Higher Education in California

California’s Changing Population: Implications for the Future

California Housing Market Recovering, But Key Challenges Ahead

Student Debt and the Value of College Degree

California’s Workforce: Planning for a Better Future

Housing in California: Planning for a Better Future

California Housing: Lingering Crisis But Reasons for Hope

Illegal Immigration in California

California’s Changing Population

California’s Growing and Changing Population

The 2010 Census: Why it Matters for California