Support the PPIC Water Policy Center
The PPIC Water Policy Center connects nonpartisan, objective research to real-world water management debates, with the goal of putting California water policy on a sustainable and constructive path. To ensure its success, the center is building a broad base of supporters who appreciate the vital need for a reliable, independent, and trusted broker in California’s water policy debate. Help us spur innovative water management solutions.
Our Supporters
We’d like to thank the supporters and event partners of the PPIC Water Policy Center.
Aaron Smith
Alf W. Brandt
Alicia Forsythe
Almond Board of California
Anne Dawson
Anthony Navasero
Ashley Boren and Dan Purtell
Association of California Water Agencies
The Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Bernard Anatole Falagan
Betsy Eckstein
Bowles Farming Company
Bruce Orr
Caitrin Chappelle
California American Water
California Department of Food and Agriculture
The California Strategic Growth Council’s (SGC) Climate Change Research Program (CCR)
California Trout
California Urban Water Agencies
California Water Service
Calleguas Municipal Water District
Celeste Cantú
Colleen and Robert D. Haas
David Graves
The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation
Dr. Gregory Gartrell and Dr. Mary E. Eichbauer
Dr. Sharon E. Benes
Emmy Cattani and Robert Stevenson
Environmental Defense Fund
ESB Charitable Foundation
Farming D
Felicity Barringer
Fern M. Steiner
Friant Water Authority
Gary and Delores Arabian
Henry Graumlich
Irvine Ranch Water District
Jill and Bryce Lundberg
Jim Petty
John Harris, Harris Farms
John S. Osterweis
Joseph Countryman
Judy and Robert Maben
Julie Allen
Justin Scott-Coe
Kathleen M. Cole
Kelly and Carrie Barlow
Kimberly Brown
Kurt and Citra Schwabe
Laural Foundation
Lauren W. Steely
Lester Snow
Lundberg Family Farms
M. Klasson
Maricopa Orchards
Masumoto Family Farm
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Michael Patrick George
Mojave Water Agency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
The Nature Conservancy
Northern California Water Association
Olin and Luanne Gray
Pam Brown Schachter, PhD
Panoche Water District
Pat and Berniece Patterson
Peter Fiske
Regional Water Authority
Rosenberg Ach Foundation
Rural County Representatives of California
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
San Diego County Water Authority
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
San Luis & Delta Mendota Water Authority
Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
Sargeant J. and Marilyn D. Green
Shepard and Melissa Harris
State Water Contractors
Stephen and Carol Lombardi
Sustainable Conservation
Terranova Ranch
United States Department of Agriculture
Valley Water
Water Foundation
Western Growers
Westlands Water District
The Wonderful Company
Yuba Water Agency