About the Center
The PPIC Water Policy Center connects nonpartisan, objective research to real-world water management debates, with the goal of putting California water policy on a sustainable and constructive path. Our work has spurred innovative water management solutions that support a healthy economy, environment, and society—now and for future generations.
Our Work
Water management doesn’t work in a vacuum; to be effective, it must also address areas where water intersects with land and air resources and environmental health. The center concentrates on three critical, interrelated challenges:
By bridging the gap between rigorous scientific research and complex water policy problems, the center offers timely, credible, and actionable information. Our work has inspired change on a range of water policy issues.
Our Advisory Council and Research Network
The PPIC Water Policy Center advisory council consists of leaders in water issues from around the state. We also work with a broad, nation-wide network of talented researchers. The center operates under the direction of the PPIC president and board of directors.
Our Funders
The center’s work is made possible by a broad base of supporters. Learn more about giving to the center.