About the Program
As climate change accelerates, it’s bringing more extreme weather to California: the dry periods are hotter and drier than ever before—and the wet periods can be torrential. The only certainty is that water managers at every level will have to plan for and respond to extremes. How can we cope with the increasing volatility of our water cycle? We bring together three panels of experts to find out.
8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast available
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks
Caitlin Peterson, associate center director and research fellow, PPIC Water Policy Center
9:05 a.m. What Does the Science Say?
Jeffrey Mount, senior fellow, PPIC Water Policy Center
9:25 a.m. Panel 1. Shortage: Strategies for Dry Years
Moderator: Alvar Escriva-Bou, senior fellow, PPIC Water Policy Center
Thaddeus L. Bettner, general manager, Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District
Bill Hasencamp, manager, Colorado River Resources, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Kyle Jones, policy and legal director, Community Water Center
Sandi Matsumoto, California Water Program director, The Nature Conservancy
10:20 a.m. Panel 2. Surplus: Strategies for Wet Years
Moderator: Andrew Ayres, research fellow, PPIC Water Policy Center
Aaron Fukuda, general manager, Tulare Irrigation District
Sandra Kerl, general manager, San Diego County Water Authority
Julie Rentner, president, River Partners
Mike Tognolini, director of water and natural resources, East Bay Municipal Utilities District
11:15 a.m. Break
11:30 a.m. Panel 3. Finding Balance: Policy’s Role in Adapting to Extremes
Moderator: Ellen Hanak, center director, PPIC Water Policy Center
Mike Connor, assistant secretary, US Army Civil Works Program
Joaquin Esquivel, chair, California State Water Resources Control Board
Karla Nemeth, director, California Department of Water Resources
12:30 p.m. Adjourn and Informal Networking Lunch