PPIC San Joaquin Valley Water Balance 1988-2017
These spreadsheets contain all data and sources used to assess the annual water balance in the San Joaquin Valley for water years 1988‒2017, described in detail in Technical Appendix A of the report Water and the Future of the San Joaquin Valley (2019). The water balance presented here is a high-level overview that estimates water inflows (including precipitation and other water flowing into the area), outflows (including net or consumptive water used locally and water flowing out of the area), and changes in water stored in surface reservoirs and aquifers.
The file contains the description of the variables, sources, and a spreadsheet with the annual water balance for the San Joaquin Valley.
For a detailed description of this dataset see Technical Appendix A: Updated Assessment of the San Joaquin Valley’s Water Balance.
For questions concerning this dataset, please contact Alvar Escriva-Bou.
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