Independent, objective, nonpartisan research
Statewide Survey · July 2009

PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and the Environment

Mark Baldassare, Jennifer Paluch, Dean Bonner, and Sonja Petek

Some findings of the current survey:

  • Solid majorities of Californians favor government regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and policies to curb global warming.
  • More Californians support than oppose expanding coastal oil drilling; even more favor improving fuel efficiency.
  • Three in four Californians say the state should expand public transit and use existing transportation networks more efficiently-only 18 percent say the state should build more freeways.

Job Approval Ratings:
   President Obama
   Governor Schwarzenegger
   California State Legislature

Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings:
   President Obama
   Governor Schwarzenegger
   California State Legislature

Mood of Californians:
   General Direction of Things in California
   Economic Outlook for California
Time Trends for the Mood of Californians:
   General Direction of Things in California
   Economic Outlook for California
This survey is supported with funding from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.


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