Key findings from the current survey:
- Californians are much more likely than adults nationwide to view global climate change as a very serious problem.
- Two in three Californians say the state is divided into haves and have-nots.
- Slightly more than half (54%) favor providing health care coverage for undocumented immigrants in California.
- Half prioritize new ideas and a different approach over experience and a proven record in a presidential candidate.
Job Approval Ratings
President Obama [PDF]
Governor Brown [PDF]
California State Legislature [PDF]
U.S. Congress [PDF]
Time Trends of Job Approval Ratings
President Obama [XLS]
Governor Brown [XLS]
California State Legislature [XLS]
U.S. Congress [XLS]
Mood of Californians
General Direction of Things in California [PDF]
Economic Outlook for California [PDF]
Time Trends for the Mood of Californians
General Direction of Things in California [XLS]
Economic Outlook for California [XLS]
This survey was supported with funding from The James Irvine Foundation.